100 Things White Sox Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

100 Things White Sox Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas Soal bahasa Inggris
Change the following sentences become indirect speech form !

1. Vania said to her friends, "You have seen the movie in the cinema."
2. Fahri asked his father, "What did you give to my friend last night?"
3. Bayu told me, "Don't throw this ball to the window"
4. Bahrun asked the children, "Have you watched this movie?"
5. The child said to his brother, "Wash your hands"
Jawab beserta penjelasannya

Dilarang :
Menjawab secara asal
Hanya ingin mengambil poin
Jawaban berupa komentar
Dilarang copas
Melanggar = Warn
Tidak ada penjelasan = Hapus​

Soal bahasa Inggris
Change the following sentences become indirect speech form !

1. Vania said to her friends, "You have seen the movie in the cinema."
2. Fahri asked his father, "What did you give to my friend last night?"
3. Bayu told me, "Don't throw this ball to the window"
4. Bahrun asked the children, "Have you watched this movie?"
5. The child said to his brother, "Wash your hands"
Jawab beserta penjelasannya

Dilarang :
Menjawab secara asal
Hanya ingin mengambil poin
Jawaban berupa komentar
Dilarang copas
Melanggar = Warn
Tidak ada penjelasan = Hapus​

ྀ༘ Direct Indirect ྀ༘


❶ Vania said to her friends that they had seen the movie in the cinema.

❷ Fahri asked his father what he had given to his friends the night before.

❸ Bayu told me not to throw that ball to the window. ┃atau┃ Bayu forbade me to throw that ball to the window.

❹ Bahrun asked the children whether they had watched that movie.

❺ The child ordered his brother to wash his hands.



Apa itu Direct and Reported Speech?

•ᴥ• Direct Speech (kalimat langsung) merupakan suatu bentuk penyampaian dari pernyataan/pertanyaan/perintah/permintaan/nasihat dari seorang pembicara tanpa ada perubahan apapun. Contoh:

  • Anne bilang “Aku akan menyiram bunga di kebun besok” (Anne said “I will water the flowers in the garden”).
  • Clark bertanya pada ku “Mengapa kamu menangis tadi malam?” (Clark asked me “Why did you cry last night?”).

•ᴥ• Indirect Speech (kalimat tak langsung) atau Reported Speech merupakan suatu bentuk penyampaian ulang suatu pernyataan/pertanyaan/perintah/permintaan/nasihat dari pihak ketiga di mana terdapat perubahan pada format penyampaiannya. Contoh:

  • Anne bilang bahwa dia akan menyiram bunga di kebun besok (Anne said that she would water the flowers in the garden).
  • Clark bertanya pada ku mengapa aku menangis tadi malam? (Clark asked me why I cried last night?).


Perubahan Pada Tenses/Bentuk Waktu

•ᴥ• Simple present ➠ Simple past

  • Direct: My mom said “You cook chicken porridge well”.
  • Indirect: My mom said that I cooked chicken porridge well.

•ᴥ• Simple past ➠ Simple past perfect

  • Direct: I said “You drank milk too much”.
  • Indirect: I said that you had drunk milk too much.

•ᴥ• Simple present continuous ➠ Simple past continuous

  • Direct: He told me “He is going to his grandmother’s house”.
  • Indirect: He told me that he was going to his grandmother’s house.

•ᴥ• Simple past continuous ➠ Simple past perfect continuous

  • Direct: He told me “He was going to his grandmother’s house”.
  • Indirect: He told me that he had been going to his grandmother’s house.

•ᴥ• Simple present perfect ➠ Simple past perfect

  • Direct: Tara said to Sisi “You have read this novel.”
  • Indirect: Tara said to Sisi that she had read this novel.

•ᴥ• Simple past perfect ➠ Simple past perfect

  • Direct: Roni said “My cat had drunk milk”.
  • Indirect: Roni said that his cat had drunk milk.

•ᴥ• Simple present future ➠ Simple past future

  • Direct: She said “I will go to Bali next month”.
  • Indirect: She said that she would go to Bali the following month.

•ᴥ• Simple future continuous ➠ Simple past future continuous

  • Direct: He said “I will be using this bike tomorrow”.
  • Indirect: He said that he would be using that bike the next day.


▒ Direct and Indirect Pada Pernyataan ▒

•ᴥ• Jennie said to me “I do my homework every night.”

  • Indirect: Jennie said to me that she did her homework every night.

•ᴥ• Rose told me “My family have visited Bali last week.”

  • Indirect: Rose told me that her family had visited Bali the week before.


Perubahan Pada Adverb of Time/Keterangan Waktu (Direct Indirect)

  • Now ➠ Then
  • Today ➠ That day
  • Yesterday ➠ The day before/The previous day
  • Tomorrow ➠ The following day/The next day
  • Last night ➠ The night before
  • Last week ➠ The week before
  • A week ago ➠ A week before
  • A month ago ➠ A month before
  • Next week ➠ The following week
  • Next month ➠ The following month
  • Next year ➠ The following year


Perubahan Pada Adverb of Place/Keterangan tempat (Direct ➠ Indirect)

  • This ➠ That
  • These ➠ Those
  • Here ➠ There


Perubahan Pada Kalimat Perintah

My brother said to me "Turn off the radio".

  • Indirect: My brother ordered me to turn off the radio.

He said to his brother "Bring me some water, please".

  • Indirect: He requested his brother to bring him some water.

They said to me "You should study hard".

  • Indirect: They advised me that I shoud study hard.

He told to his brother "Consult a doctor as soon as possible".

  • Indirect: He suggested his brother to consult a doctor as soon as possible.


▒ Perubahan Pada Kalimat Larangan ▒

My mother told me "Don't throw the rubbish".

  • Indirect: My mother forbade me to throw the rubbish.
  • Indirect: My mother told me not to throw the rubbish.


Perubahan Pada Kalimat Tanya (Yes/No Question)

He asked me "Have you seen my cat?".

  • Indirect: He asked me wheter I had seen his cat.

They asked us "Do you live in Tokyo?".

  • Indirect: They asked us if we lived in Tokyo.


Perubahan Pada Kalimat Tanya (5W + 1H)

He asked me "How can I make this delicious soup?".

  • Indirect: He asked me how I could make that delicious soup.

They asked us "Where did you go last week?".

  • Indirect: They asked us where we had gone the week before.


Detail Jawaban:

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kode soal: 05

Jenjang: SHS

Materi: Direct and reported speech

Kategorisasi: 12.05.06
